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By Darwina Natasha 

People come and go, they said,

But all this year, I’ve only seen

Them leaving— 

Vanishing like shadows at dawn,

Dissolving into thin air. 

I can’t blame them. 

It’s me, isn’t it? 

Too difficult to love, 

Too lost to be found, 

Too complex to be understood. 

Am I unworthy of love? 

Do I not deserve to be seen? 

To be held? To be known? 

Oh, how I wish I could navigate

The maze of myself— 

Without placing others in a labyrinth

They never chose. 

I hope someone finds me here,

In the thick of my darkness, 

Without needing my cries to guide them. 

I’m so weary of this endless game—

This hide and seek of hearts. 

Please, someone, 

Pull me from this mist, 

From this misery— 

Embrace me, 

Love me, 

And don’t leave me 



Yet, in the stillness, a whisper stirs—

Perhaps the light will find me,

Perhaps I will find it 



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