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Bad Poetry Day: Kidult

By Misa

One day I look at my reflection in the mirror

Wondering how she could handle everything.

Has she ever felt overwhelmed

or regretted being an adult?

I used to imagine how amazing

being a grown-up and doing things I like:

No one could tell me what to do

or tell me what should I do.

There would be no requirement

to gain an A-plus or complete the homework.

I could hang out whenever I want

with all of my best-friends-forever.

Moreover of how great being a grown-up

is falling in love and being loved.

I could taste the very first kiss,

and dream about a house with kids.

Just fantasizing about those made me

spend my whole childhood wishing,

rushing to grow up.

In fact, all of my fantasies came true,

they always go hand in hand with a “however”.

Yes, it’s true that now no one could tell me what should I do,

however without direction sometimes I strayed.

Yes, there is no longer homework,

bills and payments are awaiting instead.

And even when I can hang out every night,

best-friends-forever now are just strangers.

I also fell in love a couple of times,

not knowing that a Heartbreak Anniversary would be on replay.

Now I know how the first kiss tasted,

it was sweet, but not always ended up with a house with kids.

I should better feel blessed when my wish came true,

but sometimes I just can only feel

like a lost child in the skin of a lady.

No one teaches you how to be an adult

and warns you about how life is.

Adult life is full of responsibility,

which rings them up instead of an alarm.

My reflection answers:

I do not regret growing up.

I do not know how to put all my shits together too.

It is just the flow of life,

which brings me to the place I am today without even realize.

But I do regret the childhood that I missed,

because of the idea of how great being an adult is.

Is it too late to realize

Every moment is precious and never happens twice?


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