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Cat Haven

By B Hadi

Picture above is of Ollie and Chubby, and Luna.

One two three kitties, I got many,

Tap tap tap, oh, it's Ollie,

One two three, buzzing like a bee,

Living in the cat haven, that's me.

One two three kitties, sizes are many,

Tippy tappy, oh, it's Chubby,

One two three, napping with a glee,

Living in the cat haven, that's me.

One two three kitties, here comes Luna,

Thump thump thump, like an angry mama,

One two three, she lays on the sofa,

Living in the cat haven, viva la vida.

Author's commentary: Our family has a lot of cats, more than twenty to be exact. Among them, these three cats are my favourites. Ollie and Chubby are good boys, and Luna is an independent girl, she is an amazing traveller from Sweden and I just want to show them off to the world. Everyday is peaceful seeing our cats napping around, life is good that way :)

*Viva la Vida: Long Live Life, a song by Coldplay.

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1 Comment

Ki Lee
Ki Lee
Aug 22, 2023

omagod cute kittiessss

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