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Fi Amanillah

By: Leah

Fi Amanillah. 

I leave you in the care of the Almighty. 

Our paths have crossed, 

and I am grateful for the time that we had together. 

But it’s time for our paths to diverge. 

It’s time for me to grow without you. 

I wish you well. 

I hope you succeed in all that you do. 

I hope every single blessing you’ve ever wished for

Is granted in the most ineffable of ways. 

I wish you the best this Dunya has to offer. 

I hope you get to explore the world. 

I hope you begin to love yourself more. 

I hope you realise your worth. 

Similarly, though, 

I hope you begin to grow into your age. 

I hope you allow your friends to tell you how they feel

And I hope that you hear them out with open ears. 

I wish I could stay with you for this rollercoaster of a life,

But alas, I must close our chapter so I may flourish too. 

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