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It's My Party

By Izzah Husna

I am a year older, today

And the sun still scorches my skin

But the wind blew it some relief.

I still feel the beads of sweat on my forehead,

My mouth tastes dry with the humidity

Desperately, reaching out for a cold drink

A cold, fizzy Cola that would leave a soft burn

In my throat. If I may, well, I can and I will

Get myself a cheeseburger to go with it.

Maybe I Will Skip Around Town

And Sing My Heart Out

If I’m lucky enough, and it starts raining

I Will Break Free Again And

Dance Under The Rain

Then when I settle down with a laughter,

I am going into the cafe and let the roasted

Smell of beans greets me with enthusiasm.

I will try at least 3 coffees and get myself

A slice of chocolate cake or two (or more)

Then I drown myself in songs through my airpods

As I read books or assemble the lego set I bought,

I will enter the portal to my own world

Where I can fall apart and then, be whole.

I’ll set the fireworks off and watch it try to touch the stars

I’ll prepare the confetti for when I dance

Under the moonlight with my cats.

Just Today I Will Run Away And

See If I Can Meet Alice In My Wonderland

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