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Just Smile

By: Leah

How, in the midst of all the chaos, the mourning, and having to face the world’s back, are they able to still smile? Why is it that a pebble in our shoes can turn the day into the worst day of our lives? Such a minuscule issue that can be easily fixed, Subhanallah. In reality, however, the people of Gaza are actually experiencing the worst day of their lives. Every. Single. Day. 

In the comfort of our unbombed homes and in the solitude of our unoccupied land, how do we still find a reason to frown? How is it that the smallest inconvenience can immediately damper one’s mood when a father carrying his dead daughter can still smile and praise God? When a grandfather kisses the eyes of the martyred soul of his soul? How far has our Iman fallen that we do not believe in His words? 

The Greatest of Planners Himself has proclaimed;

فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا

So, surely with hardness will come ease.  

Who are we to question the credibility of Allah SWT’s words? 

I’ve fallen victim to this many times. My hubris, getting the better of me, angered that something had gone the exact opposite of how I wanted it to happen. But it has always been followed by something unexpectedly better. I made Du’a to guide me to become a better Muslim. In the process, I lost many friends, had many spirals and felt like God had turned His back towards me. But no. Surely, with this hardness, I have been able to become closer to my Creator, Alhamdulillah. And with it, ease.

I’ve cried many times when love evades me. I cursed at unhearing walls and screamed until my lungs felt raw, not understanding why it was so difficult for me to find someone when all I wanted was to have somebody to love. I have yet to figure out why my Creator has made me wait so long. But I know that when I find out the answer, I’m going to be forever grateful that God didn’t just give me what I wanted. 

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