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Love Letter for Palestine

By Anis Zahirah

in a world where courage knows its bounds

ive always sensed where mine confounds

i speak my mind, my questions free

yet beneath the surface, a timid sea

in the classroom's bustling, vibrant crowd

i wear a brave mask, though fear's allowed

my goals revolve around those near

my family, my siblings, all i hold dear

but, oh, the beauty of the palestinian soul

enduring oppression, an unbroken role

for years and years, you've stood SO TALL

facing adversity that could make GIANTS FALL

amidst the bloodstained, tear-soaked ground

your resilience, a wondrous, stunning sound

oh, how beautiful, palestinians, you are

in the face of suffering, a shining star

may your struggles cease, your sorrows mend

with the highest form of heaven, i extend

my sympathy and love, in prayers, they soar

for you, beautiful souls, for evermore

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