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Sorry I lie, My Lady

By: Muhammad Shah Daniel

Together I lie, lie between your thigh, your love in galore, many, 

But lips closed and eyes of yours glam, in daydream,

along with reddish blood tears out of sight, my lady, let me see your bloodstream, 

In possession, I swear, but your mind with another man—I adore your face, my lady,

but your story and myth are my melody of purgatory, pray for me not to cry during offshore, 

I offer proof of heaven sent in my hands, apologizing for the badly broken ankle,

I can’t promise heaven but this handwritten, flaws of mine, your memory giggle, 

bitter as my smile, tender with swear words and juggle with heartbreak and more, 

Breakfast found nowhere, beside me a trace of my lady sweat and disaffiliate,

In my last breath with a cup of tea beside my bed, in my rubberneck

toward my loved chair, stray away from fate, I place it on heaven opening, 

Never have I ever scared of ocean, but your tears make me sweat,

I, float with grace on loved chair, with bloody ribbon around my collar neck, 

With a white shirt and no stain, peaceful am I, with you out of my sight, beaming.

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