By Adriana Tasnim

“Here is what they don't tell you: Icarus laughed as he fell” - Fiona
“Do not fly too close to the sun and
too close to the sea. Heed my advice and
we’ll be free from this labyrinth.” Daedalus warned.
Icarus looked back and grinned, the unfettered
freedom calling out to him. And so he leaped to soar.
Wings spread wide to dance with the clouds.
To Icarus, the sun’s whisper is a promise.
“Child of the Sun, soar higher, and higher.
Beyond the reach of home.”
He couldn’t resist the golden lure.
He wanted to touch the realm of Gods
as it called him higher, and higher.
The boundless sky pulled him closer
as he chased his waves of laughter.
He was pushing his limits and he knew
he was flying too close to the sun.
Yet liberated from the terrestrial fears
was all he ever wanted.
Icarus called out to the wind,
each flutter penned a tune.
He realised he never wanted to escape.
Ultimate freedom was what he wanted
though he knew the consequences he’d face.
He wanted to kiss the sun even if it meant death.
He soared higher until the warmth that
welcomed him turned into a glare.
His wings became lighter; at ease.
The foolishness of flight and
the zephyr beneath his wings;
soon the wax trickled and began to melt.
The weight of the sky pulled him down and
embraced him cruelly as he laughed.
He had reached something heavenly,
something we can only ever dream of.
Etched in the motion of time,
Icarus experienced life significantly.
He chose this. His fallen wings a bitter triumph;
a wild freedom, and a fleeting blaze of glory.