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by WSM

Elred trudged his way towards Lyra who was already on the verge of death, as she tried her best to keep her eyes open and her mind conscious. Every step he took was heavy and menacing, but Lyra just gazed into his golden eyes calmly even though her vision was becoming more blurry. At last, their bloody and final battle came to an end when the sun almost went down.

Lyra, who was defeated, was leaning against a big debris with her hand covering the severe wound on her abdomen as a result of getting pierced. The young elf stood still in front of her, looking down on her while preparing the last blow to finish her off. Seeing Elred, her once most trusted companion, her lips formed a weak and desperate smile that made Elred a little dismayed, gritting his teeth in total contempt.

“Why are you smiling?” Elred wasted no time and raised a question as he lifted his stone dagger close to her neck, his grip tightening with each passing moment. Lyra’s smile remained. With a low and hoarse voice, she responded,

“...I’m just accepting my death.”

Elred furrowed his eyebrows, inching the dagger closer to the point the sharp tip grazed her skin. “...How pathetic. Are you out of your mind?”

“I guess I am-” Lyra stopped halfway and took a deep, shaky breath even though it was unbearable. “Because even now, I’m still in love with you.”

Elred’s eyes widened in utter shock as Lyra uttered those words with such conviction. His hands began to tremble, but he tried to control it so that she wouldn’t notice how he was starting to fall apart by her confession. He fell into deep silence and averted his eyes from looking at her, not willing to show any kind of weakness in such a crucial moment.

“I’m dying, you see. Please finish this quickly and get this over with.” Lyra breathed out as her eyelids slowly fluttered shut, ready to take her final breath. Elred glanced at her with cold eyes, even though in his heart he felt something odd—something that told him not to put her into eternal sleep.

“You… Are you not afraid of death?" Elred questioned out of curiosity, his voice having a hint of vulnerability in it. Lyra’s weak smile formed again, forcefully opening her glossy eyes to have a last glimpse of the one she used to call her friend, her partner, her ally, her beloved.

“I do. But, now, at least, before my death…”


“The last thing I see is you, Elred. It isn’t too bad to see your loved one... Before death comes.”

Elred’s whole body trembled; he couldn’t believe that someone would even say those words without hesitation. She was truly out of her mind.

“I miss… The old you, Elred. The one who was not manipulated by the darkness… The one who was fighting by my side…” She added as the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes finally streamed down her cheeks.

As if a lightning struck, Elred fell on his knees. His old, forgotten memories of Lyra suddenly rushed into his mind, resurfacing their moments together that sent him into a state of desolation. The one in front of him was Lyra, his most trusted ally once. Ever since he succumbed to The Abyss, he forgot everything that happened before and his mind was clouded with darkness. They used to share such a special friendship, though he was too oblivious to acknowledge his love for her.

“Please, come back to me…” Lyra’s weak and teary voice piped up, snapping Elred out of his trance. Realising that she tried to persuade him back to her side, he immediately turned towards her and put on a stoic face, staring at her with complete animosity.

“That was… In the past.” Ignoring his compassion and being utterly manipulated by the dark power, Elred penetrated Lyra’s chest with his bare hand mercilessly, and warm, red liquid began to spread out everywhere—but it didn't last long. Her blood seemed to be flowing with a dark energy as he channelled them directly towards her heart, making the blood in her body fused with the dark blood from himself.

Within her last moments of consciousness, Lyra could faintly hear Elred’s sinister whisper close to her ear, “What if we stay together forever, as allies again, from now on?”

In a matter of seconds, Lyra’s wounds healed, and she fell into Elred’s bloody hands, laying motionless with only her heart beating slowly, pumping the newly dark blood she had in her body—she was now just like him, a dark elf. Elred grinned slyly upon looking at Lyra’s new form. The dim light from the sun’s final light in the break of dawn casted such a sickly pleasant silhouette of Elred holding her close to him, as if relishing in the way her body was flowing with his own blood.

“There is no end for us now..”

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