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BENL Honorary Graduands Share Success Tips

By Zaiti Athirah

On the momentous November 28, 2023, 119 accomplished graduands, adorned in splendid turquoise robes and gleaming gray hoods, strode gallantly towards the culmination of their academic journey, the conferral of the Bachelor of Human Sciences in English Language and Literature.

They say, the day of university graduation stands as a milestone, and rightfully so. For Sadia Shameem, the conferment was a stepping stone to pursuing a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Islamic Thought at Hamad Bin Abu Khalifa University, Qatar. The Muhammad Iqbal Award recipient also aims to give back to the Muslim society globally as well as to uplift the Muslim identity through her pre-eminent skill of writing.

Image courtesy of Sadia Shameem

As a sophomore myself, of course, I wouldn’t miss the chance to ask the best student of the batch the secrets of her success. It was a question she chuckled to, as she thought there wasn’t any secret but the same old recipe of fostering the passion for learning, engaging in discussions with lecturers and classmates, as well as going beyond the classroom to pursue knowledge.

She also loved reaching out to her lecturers for consultations and discussions as she found that they imparted sterling insights. For this, Sadia took a moment to credit her accomplishments to the lecturers she holds dear like Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, Dr. Nora Mohd Nasir, Mr. Mazlan Yusof, Dr. Siti Nuraishah Ahmad, and Dr. Nor Faridah Abd Manaf, among others.

“A wisdom that sticks with me still is from Dr. Mahmud, that is, to purify your intention in learning. We must always remember what we are here for, as Muslims, we should always think of the higher purpose. As learners, we are responsible for making good use of our knowledge in the Islamic path, with the purpose of pleasuring Allah. For me, that is by uplifting the Muslim voice, and Muslim identity, through writing,” shared Sadia.

“As for the going beyond the classroom part, I believe it’s always great to expand your horizon and observe the world out there to gain valuable experiences. I personally did so by participating in various internships such as teaching at the refugee school and working as a teacher’s assistant in my hometown, Kashmir.” She also mentioned that through her hands-on experiences, she gained inspiration for her final-year project.

Though only her twin brother was present at the Convocation Ceremony, the rest of the family merely watched her on YouTube all the way from Kashmir, Sadia nevertheless described the day as memorable anyway and she was utterly grateful.

As for perseverance in studies, Nurul Awatif Hadiny has a story to tell.

Images courtesy of Nurul Awatif Hadiny

Awatif faced challenges during the MCO that caused her to defer a semester, as the flooding in her hometown, Pasir Mas, had cut off internet access and halted her from joining online classes. Yet, with determination and effective time management, she pushed through and was able to catch up alongside her batchmates.

“It was tough but everyone was so supportive and helpful, so here I am, graduated on time, Alhamdulillah!” concluded Awatif.

Not only that she made it through the trials and tribulations, but her research for her FYP was also chosen to be presented in a seminar as recommended by her supervisor, Dr. Homam Altabaa.

Awatif also remarked “Progress is still progress no matter how small it is. Not seeing it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, so believe in yourself more! Do your best and put your trust in Allah.”

Norsyazwina Zulkifli also shared her steadfast wisdom in persevering through challenges in studying that is, the Quranic verse that states that Allah does not burden a soul greater than it can bear. With this, she remained resilient through inevitable challenges in her journey as a student.

Image courtesy of Norsyazwina Zulkifli

Upon graduating, she claimed that she’d set her eyes on getting a job first, to save up to pursue a Master’s degree to become a lecturer. Yet, she’ll see where the life of fate will take her.

Indeed, success is not merely a destination; it is a journey shaped by resilience, determination, and continuous learning. Here I wish congratulations to the Class of 2023, go forth and make your mark! All the very best, InshaAllah.


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