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Enjoying Little Things.

By Sabrath Ayisha

Edited by Nur Najia Nazri

Source from Unsplash

Enjoying little things, why must we do that?

For most of our lives, we’ve only thought about making memorable moments of happiness yet it only happens once in a while. Those memories will be our core memories, but somehow we can’t always be happy with merely our memories. We have to keep creating new memories to enjoy our life and keep our mental health stable.

Enjoying little things such as taking a nature walk everyday will help to relax our mind and decrease the risk of mental health problems. Other than that, an act of kindness is also a form of little happiness. To illustrate, feeding a stray cat or dog or even a homeless person. These little things will help us to keep going and remind us about the little things that matter in life. It may look small to us, but the impact is stronger than that of our core memories. 

With or without money, everyone in this world deserves to feel happiness, experiencing happiness in the little things will give us a reason to go on with our lives, and spending time with our loved ones gives us a big impact too. Just an hour of quality time once a week will strengthen our bonds with them. It may look small, just spending an hour with them, but the results are to keep us with them, being close and being there for one another. 

Maintaining our relationships and friendship can also be done by enjoying every little thing. We always have common things with our favourite persons, it may seem small but those are the things that will maintain our friendships and relationships for a long time. Sometimes, we don't communicate enough with them, having arguments and all, but the small things and gestures will make them realise that arguments and misunderstandings are common but the bond they have is irreplaceable. 

Therefore, appreciate the little happiness in your life as they are the golden memories of your life that define you as a person. With that, I wish everyone to stay happy, and enjoy every moment of their life.  Maintain our good relationships and friendships not because of the big memories you have created but for the small memories.


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