By Sharika Tasnim
Edited by Nadya R.

The Divine Gifts and Man's Responsibility | Source: Pinterest
Surah Al-Waqiah
On the Day of Judgement, the earth will shake, the dust will disperse, and the mountains will crumble. Human beings will be divided into three groups: the believers, who will be on the right side; the forerunner believers; and the disbelievers, who will be on the left side. A large number of forerunner believers from the former populations and a small number of the latter ones will be admitted to the Gardens of Pleasure. They will be rewarded for their righteous deeds: thrones woven with exquisite ornaments, where they will recline facing one another. A cup of wine will be served from a flowing spring, which will not cause headaches or intoxication. They will enjoy fruits and meats of their choice and hear no ill speech—only words of peace.
The companions of the right will be abundantly blessed with all the good things. While the companions of the left, the disbelievers, will face scorching fire and scalding water. These disbelievers once indulged in affluence and persisted in misdeeds. They doubted the idea of resurrection, questioning whether, after they and their ancestors died and turned to dust and bones, they would be brought back to life. As a punishment, the disbelievers will eat from the tree of Zaqqum and drink scalding water like thirsty camels on the Day of Judgement.
Disbelievers who did not believe in Allah are reminded of the seeds that they’ve sown, the water they drank, and the fire that they ignited—all provided by Allah. Yet they fail to be grateful to Allah. Therefore, one must be grateful to Allah SWT for His blessings. The glorious Quran, which offers valuable guidance, is well preserved and comes from Allah SWT, the Lord of all the worlds. Why then do the disbelievers deny the Quranic guidance, show ingratitude to provisions, and refuse to acknowledge Allah SWT?
When a person approaches death, there are angels nearby, although they are unseen by human beings. If the deceased belongs to the companions of the right, they will be granted rest, abundant rewards, and Gardens of Pleasure. The angel will greet them with "Peace be upon you; you are from the companions of the right." However, if the deceased is from the companions of the left, they will be in scalding water and burn in Hellfire. That is the profound truth that awaits humankind. Therefore, one should pray to Allah and seek His forgiveness. Remember that Allah is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.