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Hospital Jasin: Where Hope and Wellness Meet

by Sharika Tasnim

Edited by Harith Syafiee

Achieving certification in the Existing Building Operation and Maintenance (EBOM) category of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Version 4 is a significant accomplishment for Hospital Jasin, marking it as the first hospital building in the world to receive such recognition.

LEED is a globally recognized green building certification program developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) that assesses buildings' environmental performance and sustainability. Hospital Jasin has rightfully earned a platinum-level certification with an impressive score of 80 points. The hospital is a government hospital located in Jasin, Melaka, Malaysia. It was built on 34,529 acres of land and completed on 20 September 2004.

The esteemed certification indicates that the hospital is fully committed to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility in its daily operations and maintenance. The hospital's devotion to meeting strict criteria for energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, indoor air quality, and overall environmental performance is admirable. This impressive accomplishment demonstrates the hospital's steadfast dedication to preserving the environment and promoting sustainable practices across all operations.

The success of this endeavour can be attributed to several critical factors, including meticulous attention to detail and a deeply ingrained commitment to sustainability practices.

Notable for its outstanding performance in terms of energy efficiency, Hospital Jasin has earned an Energy Star rating of 100. The Energy Star Portfolio Manager reports that the hospital has an impressive EUI of 2.13 GJ/m2, an energy efficiency measure. This is a tremendous achievement compared to the average EUI throughout Malaysia of 5.3 GJ/m2. The hospital's commitment to eco-friendly policies is displayed through solar photovoltaic (PV) panels installed in the car park. Approximately 1.5% of the building's total electrical needs are met by this system's 72 kW peak output.

Another feature is the Solar PV-covered car park, known as the Solar Car Park. This system utilizes solar panels to generate electricity, which powers the hospital's operations. Additionally, a Rainwater Harvesting System has been installed to collect and store rainwater for various uses within the hospital. The Hemodialysis Unit also has a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Harvesting System, which purifies the water used in the unit. LED lamps have been retrofitted throughout the hospital to reduce energy consumption further. The Building Automation System (BAS) has been updated to optimize energy use and reduce waste. For transportation, a "Bicycle Station" has been provided for patrol use around the hospital, encouraging eco-friendly modes of travel.

At Hospital Jasin, great emphasis is placed on sustainability and the protection of the environment. This is achieved by utilizing maintenance equipment that is designed to be eco-friendly, thereby reducing the carbon footprint. It is the commitment of the hospital to provide exceptional healthcare services while also being mindful of the impact on the planet.

Sustainability is also promoted by installing digital water and power meters in the hospital. These meters will provide accurate water and power consumption readings, allowing the hospital to monitor and optimize its usage. As a result, this initiative significantly reduces the hospital's carbon footprint and promotes a more sustainable future.

To contribute to the cause of environmental sustainability, the hospital has introduced designated parking spaces for green and carpool vehicles. Both hospital staff and visitors can use these spaces, but only if their vehicles meet the standards for alternative fuels or Low Emission Vehicles (LEV) and are considered environmentally friendly. This initiative reflects Hospital Jasin's dedication to reducing its carbon footprint and becoming a leader in eco-friendly healthcare facilities.

Including sustainable features such as a durable floor mat at the hospital's main entrance, the building showcases a comprehensive approach to preserving the environment, promoting the well-being of occupants, and conserving resources. This is a straightforward and highly effective way to align daily practices with broader sustainability objectives.

Implementing an Air-Conditioning System Unit (ACSU) retrofit is vital for Hospital Jasin to achieve significant sustainability benefits. This upgrade guarantees energy efficiency, operational cost savings, and environmental conservation. Incorporating modern and energy-efficient ACSU technologies can substantially reduce energy consumption, resulting in lower electricity usage for cooling and ventilation. This initiative reduces the hospital's carbon footprint and dependence on non-renewable energy sources, promoting environmental conservation.

An energy-efficient ACSU retrofit also results in cost savings through reduced utility bills, enabling hospitals to redirect funds toward patient care, research, or other critical needs. Upgraded ACSUs often include advanced filtration systems that improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants, allergens, and contaminants, essential for maintaining clean and healthy indoor air for patients, staff, and visitors. A well-functioning ACSU system ensures consistent temperature and humidity levels, creating a comfortable and conducive environment for patients' recovery and well-being. By retrofitting ACSUs with newer and more efficient units, the equipment's lifespan is extended, reducing replacements, waste, and the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of old units.

Advanced ACSU systems offer zoning and variable-speed technology, allowing for better load management and optimization of cooling according to specific areas and times of the day, leading to further energy savings. Upgrading to energy-efficient ACSUs ensures compliance with energy efficiency standards and regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties. In summary, ACSU retrofits are crucial in mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

The certification of Hospital Jasin in the Existing Building Operation and Maintenance Version 4 category is an exceptional feat that showcases its untiring commitment to sustainability, innovation, and operational excellence. This outstanding accomplishment serves as a model for healthcare facilities worldwide, illustrating how environmental consciousness can be seamlessly integrated into the healthcare sector for the betterment of humanity and the planet.


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