By Wan Nur Amrina
Since most of the students in my batch are busy themselves finding proper internship places, a workshop on this issue has been conducted by the Secretariat of English Language & Literature (ELITS) to help us prepare physically and mentally. Last week, I was given the opportunity to attend a workshop with my friends to help us understand better what an internship actually is considering that we do not know much about it.
A guest speaker, Mr. Joseph Toh, General Manager of RISE Malaysia was invited to the talk called Internship Etiquette Workshop on 4 April 2023. The event was conducted at International Islamic University Malaysia AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science (AHAS KIRKHS) LT 1.
This workshop was conducted to give insights on how students should represent themselves in the industry for internship and working setting. Besides, the workshop strived to give an overview to students on what can be expected for an internship and to answer questions and curiosities that we might have regarding internship and the working setting.
“My advice for future interns would be to make the most of it. Take every opportunity to learn from your bosses and people who have worked in your industry as well as doing some sightseeing,” said the speaker.
New employees, especially university students often face experience-reality gaps about work, causing them to find it harder to assimilate with their environment. Landing a university internship has always been competitive for students as it is one of the primary ways to help us create connections that will later help to obtain a position in an organisation right after college.
Mr Joseph Toh advised us to follow these tips:
Know yourself First of all, we must know what our career goal is and what we want to achieve within the next five to ten years. We must also understand our character, strengths and weaknesses.
The industry, location, culture and career goals are what we have to put into consideration before applying. We cannot simply choose the workplace without proper understanding of those mentioned above as internships are supposed to be helping us create connections to work after graduation.
Usually, where would people first see on our resume? The answer-- our photo! Why is it so important? If we manage to show our face to the employer, it reflects the level of confidence that we possess. Of course, it has to be professional and friendly!
Our photo must show professionalism and friendliness at the same time. It is not supposed to be an IC or passport photo. If there is none on the resume, the employers will think that we lack confidence.
In the resume, it is important to list down all your skills and experiences in handling certain issues because they will reflect our competency in certain industries. The resume has to be designed neatly, no need for excessive decorations, just enough to fill it with necessary information regarding ourselves.
Before going for an interview, we must study about the company or organisation that gives us the offer letter. We must be responsive towards the internship offer as soon as possible in order to not take others’ time as they have to consider many candidates left.
Meanwhile, during the interview session, we must be punctual and arrive at the interview location timely. It is important to stay focused during the whole interview and ask suitable and proper questions to the interviewer only when needed. The questions can vary from the work culture, duties, expectation and more as long as they are related to the company matters.
Mr. Joseph also gave inputs on what to improve personally after being accepted for the internship:
The ways of personal improvement:
Accept challenges
Plan ahead
Get results
Apply improvement
Practice professionalism:
Time management
Positive attitude
Other additional tips are that gossip should be avoided as much as possible, we can share more ideas to validate and it is very important to protect yourself, especially for girls. We are also advised to practise confidentiality and respect the colleagues as well as the internship supervisor.
He listed some benefits of internship to students as we are about to walk through the working life:
1. Gain experience 2. Networking 3. Explore career options 4. Build our resume 5. Develop professional skills
These are only a few tips and benefits of internship for students to help us prepare for future industrial training. Last but never the least, Mr Joseph Toh reminded us to not work anywhere that does not match with our diploma. Internship is not a waste of time as it offers real-life experience and instils a sense of responsibility inside us as we face and finish the tasks given by the employers with utmost professionalism.