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Long-Distance Reflections: Finding Resonance in Noah Kahan’s You're Gonna Go Far

By Anis Zahirah

During a leisurely weekend of procrastination, I stumbled upon a captivating video on TikTok, introducing me to the remarkable talent of singer-songwriter Noah Kahan and his heartfelt composition titled, "You're Gonna Go Far." The profound lyrics of this song struck a deep chord within me, resonating particularly with those who have encountered the trials of long-distance relationships, especially daughters separated from their beloved families.

Having spent the majority of my life away from home, commencing at the tender age of 13, going through boarding school, college, and presently at university, I am intimately acquainted with the emotions that permeate throughout "You're Gonna Go Far." This melodic creation serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate tapestry of sentiments and experiences one encounters when physically distanced from loved ones. Noah Kahan, renowned for his compelling folk-pop style, has captivated audiences with a repertoire of impactful songs, with "You're Gonna Go Far" standing out as a prime example. Music's remarkable power lies in its ability to forge deep personal connections, evoking a gamut of emotions and eliciting cherished memories. This particular composition has undeniably left an indelible mark upon me, compelling me to delve further into Noah Kahan's discography, seeking other melodies that similarly capture my own experiences and sentiments.

Discovering this song holds a significant meaning, especially in light of the recent release of SPM results. It has stirred within me a plethora of contemplations that linger persistently in my mind. It underscores the realization that there exist countless actions I could have undertaken, and still can, in order to become a better daughter. Despite the passage of approximately five years since my SPM examinations, I have continuously consoled myself with the belief that every twist and turn in life occurs for a reason. Nevertheless, I cannot help but wonder if my father's affection would have grown deeper, if my mother would have exhibited heightened interest in my chosen academic path, and if my family would have accorded me greater respect had my results been more exceptional.

While I genuinely embrace the journey I have embarked upon, this lingering question persists within me: Would the trajectory of my life have been more favorable if my academic performance had reached greater heights?

For example, observing my peers progressing into their fourth year while I remain in my second year engenders a disconcerting sense of inadequacy. Determined to make the most of my time, I strive diligently to fill my days with activities that enrich my experience and propel personal growth. I ardently anticipate the day when, despite the challenges faced, I can retrospectively declare my university graduation as an unparalleled chapter, firmly asserting that I could not have envisaged spending four transformative years pursuing my undergraduate degree anywhere else.

Thus, this is dedicated to those who find themselves grappling with feelings of being left behind, burdened by the belief that constant achievement is necessary to merit love and acceptance. My sincerest aspiration is that life unfolds before you, offering abundant improvements and heralding newfound illumination amidst the darkest moments. May serendipitous encounters grace your hazy days, instilling within you an unwavering sense of hope. In addition to Taylor Swift's uplifting music, our cherished religion also imparts teachings that inspire us to nurture optimism within our hearts.

So, raise your spirits and face each day with unwavering determination. And, of course, remember to stream "You're Gonna Go Far." I genuinely hope this message finds you amidst a beautiful day, brimming with hope and joy.

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