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Mother’s Day: Mother in Islam

By Fakhitah Yusuf

Edited by Hannaan Fuad

Every year, there is a day dedicated to the person who gave birth to us. A female figure who plays the biggest role in every person in general. For that reason, Islam appreciates mothers the most, and it can be seen by how many records there are mentioning mothers. Hence, the famous saying of paradise being beneath the mother’s feet shows the high position Islam has put the mother in.

Giving birth to a human is painful, as we know. It has even been mentioned in the Quran, in Surah Luqman verse 14:

 “And We have commanded people to honour their parents. Their mothers bore them through hardship upon hardship, and their weaning takes two years. So be grateful to Me and your parents. To Me is the final return.” 

Many hadiths also addressed mothers; one of them is narrated by Abu Hurairah about a man asking the Prophet about the most deserving of his good treatment amongst the people. The Prophet answered thrice that the most deserving is your mother, followed by your father. Therefore, one should give their mother the highest priority in one’s life.

I would also like to share a story about a man carrying his mother on his back while performing tawaf, and after that, he asked Ibn Ummar, the caliph at the time, if that deed was enough to fulfil his mother’s obligation. Ibn Umar answered that it was not even enough to pay for her pain during labour. This is a story I learned in high school.

However, the main point of this article is to highlight the importance of respect and love for our mother. They have sacrificed enough to raise us, their children. Mother's Day is not the only day to respect our mother; it should be every day.


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