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Ocean Vuong Explores the Multifaceted Immigrant Experience in One Masterpiece

By Shaireza Jaafar

As the window to the literary landscape often dominated by established narratives, Ocean Vuong’s novel, “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous,” captures the indelible ink of thought-provoking exploration of immigrant lives. Vuong’s school of writing combines poignant and unapologetic storytelling through intense metaphors to give a voice to immigrant narratives.

Born as a Vietnamese-American, Vuong‘s powerful and evocative works in the literary fields have garnered significant literary grants such as the T.S. Eliot Prize and the Whiting Award for his 2016 publication “Night Sky with Exit Wounds.” This then ignited the fire for further publication, and in 2019, another critically-acclaimed novel was born, titled “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous.”

The novel “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” is tied around the string of emotional intensity, showcasing the journey and challenges faced by the immigrant Vietnamese-American through Vuong's adoption of lyrical prose and vulnerability of writing. With cultural assimilation, displacement, and generational trauma becoming the primary themes of the novel, Vuong challenges readers to confront their own preconceptions and biases towards immigrant groups.

The novel is written as a letter from a young Vietnamese-American man named Little Dog to his illiterate mother, Rose. This letter captures the efforts of Little Dog in discovering his true identity as well as the complexities of his own life growing up as an immigrant in America. Vuong’s school of writing invites readers to delve deep into Little Dog’s journey through his kaleidoscope of memories and the intricate relationship with his mother, grandmother, and a boy named Trevor, with whom he shares tender and transformative romance.

“But the problem with being a ghost is that you’re not allowed to talk”

This quote found in the novel resonates with the overarching theme as it encapsulates the struggle for voice and visibility that many marginalised individuals face. It also highlights the frustration of not being able to fully express oneself or have one’s experiences acknowledged and understood. The grandeur aspect of this novel is that it offers a grand platform for immigrant voices to be heard.

As the book continues to bloom, many literary scholars as well as academic institutions have embraced it as a catalyst for meaningful discussions in the dimension of the immigrant narrative genre. Vuong's contribution has spurred tremendous accolades and encouraged academic analyses, enriching the ongoing discourse on immigrant experiences and their representation in contemporary literary work.

Beyond the literary sphere, “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” has oscillated with broader societal discussions in the facet of immigration, cultural diversity, and the importance of representation. The novel’s impact lies in its ability to extend its importance to community organisations, educational institutions, and social platforms where individuals engage in conversations that challenge existing narratives and promote empathy and understanding through book clubs and literary festivals.

In conclusion, the book offers a lens through which readers can better understand and appreciate the richness and diversity within immigrant communities. Vuong’s masterpiece is a testament to the power of storytelling through its capacity to foster empathy, shape perceptions, and inspire change to build a more inclusive society.


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