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Students vs. Plastics

By Fakhitah Yusuf

Edited by Wan Nur Amrina

Back then, plastics were used to reduce the usage of paper. It is considered a way to save the Earth as it reduces the amount of trees being cut to produce paper. However, it has been used excessively to the point where it turns out to be a reason for pollution, mainly in the ocean.

As university students, what can we do to avoid water pollution? There are many things that can be done. Therefore, I’d like to share the three simplest things we can do as students.

Firstly, avoid buying mineral water at the mini-mart by bringing our own bottle. This action not only reduces plastic usage, but is also cost-saving for the students. Due to the variety of water bottle sizes available on the market, we can choose any to our convenience; thus, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially in this current heat.

Next, recycle the bottle instead of throwing it into the bins. This applies when buying flavoured drinks or forgetting to bring our own water. If we happen to be in this situation, keep the empty bottle with us once we find the recycle bin on campus.

Moreover, another way to save the ocean is by using our own bags for shopping and bringing a food container whenever having a meal. For example, when we’re having lunch at the campus cafeteria.

It has been mentioned in the Quran which means: “Remember when your Lord said to the angels, ‘indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority’” (Baqarah: 30). Therefore, let’s take action to preserve the Earth by doing these simple actions as university students.


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