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BENL Get Together

By Mardhiah Husna

Edited by Harith Syafiee

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

GOMBAK, May 31, 2024: An exciting get-to-know gathering, namely “BENL Get Together,” with the theme Super Mario and Friends, was held by the Bureau of Sports, Arts, and Culture (SPAC) from the Secretariats of English Language and Literature (ELITS) at ICC Compound, area in front of Richiamo Cafe, starting from 9:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.

BENL Get Together is an initiative by SPAC with the purpose of creating stronger bonds between BENL students regardless of gender, nationality, and age, as well as to brief, especially new students, about ELITS, BENL study plans, welfare information, and two clubs well established by BENL, which are IIUM Clairvoyance (ICV) and The Benl Chronicle (TBC). The participants were divided into six groups based on the characters from Super Mario and Friends, which included Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess Peach, Donkey Kong, King Boo, and Waluigi. This is so that the participants dress up as the colour their character represents.

The gathering started with welcoming remarks from the emcees, Br. Arief Nazhan and Sr. Nurfatirah, and a du'a recitation by Br. Luqman Hakeem to bless the gathering even more. Then, it continued with a short introduction about ELITS by the chairperson of ELITS, Sr. Nor Shahira. She talked mainly about what ELITS is, what bureaus are there in ELITS, and their roles. It then continued with a short Q&A session with the Bureau of Academics and Intellectuals (ACE) from ELITS. They opened the floor to academic-related questions and answered all of them flawlessly, as they are well trained in this field.

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

Then, the gathering continued with a briefing from the Bureau of Student Affairs and Welfare (STAFWELL). Their session was mainly about their handbook, specifically made for BENL students to ease their welfare matters as well as to assist the students regarding welfare matters. They also include some academic matters in the handbook, which adds to the helpfulness of the handbook. STAFWELL conducted a short quiz session after their briefing, which ended with three winners.

At 10 p.m., all participants were welcomed to enjoy the meals served by the catering team. Some of the meals included on the menu are spaghetti, chocolate cakes, and mango cordial. This session was amused by three great performances from Br. Raja, Sr. Ilya, and Br. Alif. Br. Alif proceeded with his own game session, namely “Guess the Tune,” in which he had to play any tune or music using his acoustic guitar, and the audience must guess what song or music he played. It was so fun!

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

At 10:30 p.m., the gathering was filled in with a briefing from the president of ICV and TBC, which is the one and only, Sr. Syafiqah. She smoothly explained the ICV and TBC histories and the outstanding milestones both clubs had reached over time, making everyone seem so interested in being a part of the ICV and TBC journey.

Supposedly, after the briefing session from Sr. Syafiqah, SPAC mainboards would have conducted a game called Pass the Water: relay game; however, unfortunately, due to unforeseen bad weather, they had to end the gathering session early without playing the game. Therefore, they proceeded with the prize-giving ceremony, with the Luigi group being the champion of the night.

At roughly 11:15 p.m., the gathering proceeded with a photography session, led by a multimedia team, and dispersed.

BENL Get Together | credit: Multimedia Team

“Being here, getting to know ELITS and the bureaus, participating in the games and enjoying all three soulful performances are somehow a need during these hectic weeks. I had fun gathering with other BENL students, the best friday night ever!” said one of the participants, Raja Hariz, in the BENL Get Together.

All in all, being a part of this amusing and fun gathering event, which was the first informal BENL student gathering held by the Sectriats of English Language and Literature (ELITS), was overall a really enjoyable and wonderful experience. I hope to join more ELITS programmes and events in the future! ***

Sources: ELITS Official Instagram Post and Author’s experience


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