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BENL’s English Literature Exhibition Unveils Centuries of Literary Brilliance

by Shaireza Jaafar

GOMBAK, 18 March 2023: In collaboration with the Secretariats of English Language and Literature (ELITS), the English Literature: Beowulf to Johnson class transported English notable literary works to life on March 18 in the Human Sciences Square of IIUM Gombak.

Constructed upon the grandeur of ‘literary trope’, the exhibition served as an eye-opener for students from different fields to indulge in the literary exploration that shaped society today.

The exhibition showcased a variety of renowned English literary figures and their works across centuries from the Old English period (450–1150), the Middle English period (1150–1400), the Tudor period (1500–1603), the Stuart period (1600–1700), the Enlightenment (1685–1815), the Industrial Revolution (1760), and Romanticism (which begins towards the end of the 18th century).

In an interview with the BENL Chronicler, one of the students from the English Literature: Beowulf to Johnson class, Dhiya Damia binti Zuhairul, expressed that “this exhibition is an assessment given by our course instructor, Dr. Homam Altabaa, in reviving the historical spirit by exploring the political, social, and cultural dimensions of different English eras.”

“Consisted of five parts with each part handling different English periods. The first part was the Old and Middle English periods; the second part was the Tudor period; the third part was the Stuart period; the fourth part was the 18th century; and the last part was the Romantic period,” she clarified.

She emphasised that this exhibition is of utmost importance as it not only captures the vitality of writers and poets, thus creating a profound sense of appreciation for the arts and literature today but also greatly contributes to the blossoming of civilization we have attained.

The exhibition also featured enjoyable activities for students to take part in, such as colouring, word search puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles.

“We hope for this exhibition to bring forth a multitude of benefits, enriching students with basic literary knowledge while also imparting values derived from prominent arts to the contemporary world”, she concluded at the end of the interview.***


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