by Siti Sarah Sofea

GOMBAK, 2 April 2023: The month of Ramadan is a period of social and spiritual pursuits. For the English Language and Literature (BENL) students, it is an opportunity to enjoy iftar and perform ibadah together alongside their lecturers and friends.
“It was heartwarming to witness BENL students bonding over the course of the event,” said Rusydina Athirah binti Karim, a committee member of BENL Grand Iftar.
The grand iftar, which was organized by the Secretariat of English Language and Literature (ELITS) on April 1, 2023, at MPH of Mahallah Hafsah and lasted from 7.00 p.m. to 9.45 p.m., was marked as a success, with 87 students participating in the event.
The participants arrived at the venue around 6.45 p.m. to register and select their preferred meal before settling into the designated seating area. At the announcement of the Maghrib prayer adhan, the participants quickly proceeded to break their fast and perform the congregational prayer at approximately 7:45 p.m. Following the Maghrib prayer was a tazkirah held by one of the BENL lecturers, Dr. Mahmudul Hasan. This was followed by a quiz session in which the participants took part with great enthusiasm and were then rewarded with prizes for their participation.
After the quiz, the Isya prayer and Taraweeh congregational prayer were performed, which were led by Muhammad Akmal Fauzan bin Mohamed Fouzi. The participants dispersed after a photography session, content with the spiritual and social experience of the event.
Another committee member of the event, Adlene Farhanie bt Mohd Sani, urged BENL students to keep an eye out for upcoming events that will bring them together again.
The food selection at the event features a variety of items, including nasi arab, nasi kandar, grape and orange flavoured beverages, dates, kek batik, samosa, and more.
Present at the event were Dr. Homam Altabaa as the advisor of ELITS, Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan as the guest speaker, and Dr. Ainul Azmin binti Md. Zamin.***