Written by Shah Daniel
Edited by Alissya Nazir

Appreciation post capturing all of the secretariats in one picture on the last day of the program | Credits: Bureau Media of IRKHSSS
GOMBAK, 27th October 2024: 23rd October 2024 marked the end of Bringing The Changes (BTC) 1.0: Gallery Walk Program handled by the Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences Student’s Society (IRKHSSS). IRKHSSS is an official society of Kulliyyah Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (IRKHS) that oversees and works closely with the administration of the Kulliyyah in taking care of the welfare and academic affairs.
Booth Setup by IRKHSSS | Credits: Bureau Media of IRKHSSS
All 10 secretariats under the Kulliyyah of IRKHS that participated in the Gallery Walk are: Secretariat of English Language and Literature (ELITS), Political Science Students' Association (POSSA), Secretariat of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh (SOFI), Secretariat of Arabic Language and Literature (ALA), Qur'an and Sunnah Studies Students' Association (QUSSA), Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion Society (UDCY), Secretariat of Sociology & Anthropology (SOCASA), Secretariat of Communication Students (COSA), Secretariat of History and Civilization (HISTFORIUM) and The Secretariat of Psychology (PSYCSTA).
Booth setup by Secretariat of English Language and Literature (ELITS) | Credits: Bureau Media of IRKHSSS
The ‘Gallery Walk program’ is designed to highlight the distinct focus of each secretariat under Kulliyyah IRKHS. This program consisted of presentations from the secretariats from all departments of KIRKHS, showcasing their courses and connecting them to practical applications in line with the principles of Islamisation. The 10 secretariats under AHAS KIRKHS organized their booths at IRK Hallway. Each secretariat provided a brief overview of their courses, demonstrating how these courses align with Islamisation principles and ethics, and their relevance to the practical lives of Muslims.
Booth setup by Secretariat of Arabic Language and Literature (ALA) | Credits: Bureau Media of IRKHSSS
The program ran smoothly, attracting students from various Kulliyyahs beyond IRKHS, who eagerly participated and engaged with every booth. Many were excited and curious to learn how Islamisation could be applied across different subjects, with each secretariat committee providing insightful explanations at their booths. The program was a great success, receiving praise from both students and staff of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). —TBC