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Fiestalits 23 Literary Voyage: History of English Literature

By Aisyah Umairah

Edited by Izyan Nazihah

The Poster for the Class Exhibition | Credit: elitsiium / Instagram

GOMBAK, 14th December 2023: On the last day of Fiestalits 23, students of the course Beowulf to Johnson had the opportunity to showcase a class exhibition on specific eras that started from Middle English to 1500, 1500 to 1603, 1603 to 1700, the Neoclassical Era, and ended with Romanticism.

Topics from the course Beowulf to Johnson were situated in the middle of Human Sciences Square, while posters from the previous exhibition of the course 20th Century British Literature were pasted around the area.

Credit: Aisyah Umairah

Through this exhibition, the students involved could highlight the main events that happened during their respective eras and how they made an impact moving forward. Each group decorated their tables differently, whereby some provided games, displayed books from authors in the respective eras, and laid out A4 posters for the eras presented.

Fortunately, the class exhibition was a hit, as it managed to receive visitors not only from the English department but from other departments as well, like Engineering, Psychology, Economics, and more. Some shared that they came because they were intrigued to know what BENL students learn about. The class members were honoured that they were able to give those visitors new knowledge and insights.

Dr. Madihah also came and listened to each group, where she then asked some questions and gave feedback. This resulted in the students being able to improve themselves in the future.

 Credit: Aisyah Umairah

Sister Fatin Amani, who was in charge of this event, said, “Literary Voyage presented the history of English literature, and it was the last event for Fiestalits. It's nice that the other students can see a sneak peek of what we're discussing in classes for the subjects Beowulf to Johnson and 20th Century British Literature. It gives the students who have not yet taken the subjects some insight on what to expect, as well as showcasing our course to other non-BENL students.”

Overall, the exhibition was a success, which could not have been possible without the hard work of ELITS’ ACE members, Fiestalits 23 committees, the students of Beowulf to Johnson, as well as Dr. Homam. It is hoped that similar activities will be held more frequently.


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