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Harmoni IIUM 12th Muktamar Muharrik: Fostering Activism and Spiritual Growth

By Anis Zahirah

Edited by Izyan Nazihah

Photography session with the guests and participants | Credit: Nurul Khadijah 

GOMBAK, 14th March 2023: Harmoni IIUM successfully conducted their 12th Muktamar Muharrik, a gathering that was held from 7:45 AM to 5 PM. If one is wondering what this entails and why it takes such a long duration, it is because Harmoni IIUM is not just an activism-focused club; it also emphasises the spiritual aspect of Islamic values. 

It is essential to note that Harmoni extends beyond IIUM, with branches nationwide, including our university. Harmoni operates under IKRAM, an organisation that also provides schools that focus on tarbiyyah (education and spiritual upbringing) with an interesting hint of a science stream curriculum. 

The Muktamar Muharrik aims to bring together individuals from Harmoni IIUM, specifically those who signed up for the tarbiyyah system and those who went to IKRAM-based schools, to contribute to Harmoni projects in terms of tarbiyyah

Najwa binti Farid giving an inspiring opening speech | Credit: Niswah Zinnirah

The current president of Harmoni, Najwa binti Farid who is a third-year student majoring in Islamic Finance, was welcomed to give an opening speech for the programme. In her speech, she mentioned that Muktamar Muharrik derives from Arabic words that stand for Persidangan Muharrik, where muharrik refers to the driving force within Harmoni, following the tarbiyyah system or the popularly known usrah.

As explained by the president, the objective of this gathering may change according to current needs, addressing crucial issues to ensure Harmoni's activism continues to grow. One of the current challenges is the need for more muharrik, hindering the continuous recruitment of activists into Harmoni and its tarbiyyah system. 

The agenda of the recent Muktamar Muharrik encompasses several key objectives. Firstly, it aims to deliberate on the most effective strategies for recruiting activists and seamlessly integrating them into the tarbiyyah system, ensuring a cohesive and nurturing environment for their development. 

Secondly, there's a focus on strategically positioning Muktamar Muharrik within pertinent spaces to maximize its impact and reach. Thirdly, the assembly intends to showcase ongoing projects to the muharrik, fostering awareness and participation in initiatives aligned with their goals. Finally, fostering camaraderie among the muharrik is prioritized, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and mutual support within the community of Harmoni IIUM.

Featuring the participants of Muktamar Muharrik | Credit: Nurul Khadijah

Vice President II, Syaidatun Nur Zakirah, a second-year guidance and counselling student, expressed that she felt a sense of unity during the Muktamar Muharrik, highlighting the common goal everyone strives for. She ponders what keeps individuals steadfast on the path of da'wah (preaching) and admires the commitment displayed.

Syaidatun added, "Muktamar Muharrik recharges our spirit and soul, creating an image of a neighbourhood in Jannah (Paradise). It reminds me of Ar-Ra’d: 24, where we pray for peace for each other, envisioning a collective journey towards our eternal home. Despite our pasts, backgrounds, and struggles, we unite in cleansing our hearts towards a common goal."

Thus, the 12th Muktamar Muharrik by Harmoni IIUM stands as a testament to their commitment to holistic activism and spiritual development. As they tackle challenges such as the shortage of muharrik, the conference becomes a crucial platform for discussing strategies, presenting projects, and fostering unity among like-minded individuals. 

The aim is not just to recruit activists but to create a sustained impact rooted in the values of Islam. Through events like Muktamar Muharrik, Harmoni IIUM continues its mission to shape conscientious individuals who contribute meaningfully to activism and spiritual growth within and beyond the university.


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