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Harmony Night: Ruhani Resonance

Written by: Nurul Nasyrah 

Edited by: Harith Syafiee

GOMBAK, 17th January 2024: As 2023 came to an end, a harmonious night of zikr and salawat called Ruhani Resonance was held successfully in the main prayer hall, IIUM SHAS Mosque on 13th December 2023 from 7 PM to 11 PM. 

The gathering was enlivened by the presence of notable figures namely Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid, Habib Nael Ben Taher, Habib Abdullah Al-Habsyi, Ustaz (Dr.) Bashir Mohamed Al-Azhari and Dr. Muhammad Ayman Al-Akiti. 

After performing the Maghrib prayer in congregation, the event began with a speech given by Dr. Muhammad Ayman Al-Akiti about the importance of Arabic language. Interestingly, this event does not only focus on Arabic language sharing, but also zikr and salawat to boost IIUM students’ spirituality amid the hectic studying weeks. 

The sharing session with VIPs, committees and participants | Credit: Nurul Nasyrah

The event was held as a part of the Global Arabic Islamic Annual Festival 2023 (GARIIF23). Its purpose was to present the rich adab, which is the culture of the Arabic Islamic Civilisation, and how it is demonstrated by the Muslims' imitation of the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is imperative to acknowledge that collaborative efforts have the potential to accentuate the positive facets of Islamic civilisation, such as joining forces to preserve moral values for the sake of unity.

Some Arabic fragrances provided by Habib Ali were distributed to the participants to uphold the culture of Arabic Islamic Civilization of wearing fragrance. 

Ruhani Resonance was not organised exclusively for IIUM students, so non-IIUM students also took a chance to attend this event including some of the popular figures in Malaysia like Erma Fatima

A picture of Habaib along with Dr. Muhammad Ayman Al-Akiti | Credit: Publication and Promotion committee

It is hoped that similar programs like Harmony Night: Ruhani Resonance (GARIIF23) will be held in the future to encourage and raise the Arabic culture among IIUM students.


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