By: Amni Azizan
Edited by: Maizatul

Photo credit: Publication and Promotion Committee and Facebook SK Sungai Pusu
KUALA LUMPUR, 19 October 2023: Following assembly, students usually bustle into their classrooms for the first subject of the day. However, only the standard five students—a total of 250—of SK Sungai Pusu remained. Later, 64 Steadfast Club IIUM members, consisting of committees and facilitators, arrived for a special occasion; Schoject SKSP with an English camp theme.
The Schoject programme (shortened from School Project) is a staple for IIUM Steadfast Club, in which the club will collaborate with primary or secondary schools to organise a specifically themed programme for their students. Some other themes are motivational camp, leadership camp, and English camp, which help achieve a particular goal.
“Originally, we planned it in May, as it should have taken place in June,” stated Izzi Izziany, Programme Manager of this Schoject. “However, MOE instructed schools to postpone outdoor activities around Malaysia, so we stopped for 2 months before resuming in August.”
To clarify, a circular was issued to education institutions under the ministry to postpone outdoor activities at school due to the country's hot and dry weather, effective on 3 May 2023.
Schoject SKSP was a half-day programme that began at 8:00 a.m. and concluded at 1:00 p.m. Its objectives were to improve the English vocabulary of students who were weaker and to raise students' English proficiency through modules including Spelling Bee, Find It, Hey, Mat Salleh!, and Match It.

Photo credit: Publication and Promotion Committee and Facebook SK Sungai Pusu
According to Farah Aishah, one of the Module committee members, “We tried our best to find the best module that fit the student’s English abilities and the theme of English camp. Most of the module is considered easy for standard 5 students as it includes basic English skills such as grammar, idioms, and listening to English songs.”
A frequent participant in Schoject as a facilitator, Ainaa Nur Iffah stated, “I enjoyed it so much as I love to facilitate kids on how to play the modules and teach them something new.”
Overall, Izzi Izziany was grateful the programme reached its goal, as she received a good amount of positive feedback from the students about the programme. The same goes for Farah Aishah, who believed the students had fun and learned something beneficial from the modules that encouraged students to use English in their lives. ***