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Linguistics Made Easy: Unlocking Continuous Insights into Language Mastery

Written by Shah Daniel

Edited by Alissya Nazir

Photography Session with speakers and participants | Credits: ELITS’s Media

GOMBAK, 1st January 2025: In an effort to enhance students' linguistic skills, the Secretariat of English Language and Literature (ELITS) organised a specialised programme featuring an esteemed main speaker, Dr Rabiah Tul Adawiyah (widely known and called as Dr Ruby), Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL), alongside an invited VIP, Dr Nor Elena. The programme commenced at 10:00 a.m. and concluded at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, 27th December 2024. Held at the Kulliyyah of Human Sciences, the programme took place in the combined Lecture Rooms Four and Five, attracting over 100 participants —a testament to the strong interest among students in initiatives of this nature.

Arrival of participants who engaged proactively during the programme | Credits: ELITS’s Media

By 9:30 a.m., participants had already begun filling the venue, reflecting their enthusiasm for the programme. The designated Master of Ceremony (MC), Sr Nadya Farisha, skillfully managed the proceedings, ensuring an appropriate atmosphere for Dr Rabiah Tul Adawiyah to deliver her speech and share her insights on the topic of discussion: bilingualism.

Dr Ruby and Dr Elena engaging with participants’ inquiries in the discussion's session | Credits: ELITS’s Media

The programme maintained a high level of engagement, particularly as the discussion ignited numerous ideas among the participants. During her sharing session, Dr Rabiah Tul Adawiyah highlighted an impactful phrase: “It’s about how the language is used.” This concise yet profound statement resonated deeply with attendees, inspiring them to explore language more thoughtfully. True to her reputation, Dr Ruby began her session by integrating Islamic teachings, and offering lessons on Zikr, Du’a, and related practices. This approach not only enriched the discussion but also instilled valuable spiritual and Islamic principles among the participants.

Question and Answer (QnA) session with Dr Ruby and participants | Credits: ELITS’s Media

A standout moment of the program, appreciated by both participants and speakers, was the active engagement of Sr Lee Wei Xuan (the middle sister in blue from above picture). Diagnosed with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD), which presents relatively mild symptoms allowing her to manage daily life independently, Sr Lee's participation underscored the importance of two-way communication. Dr Rabiah Tul Adawiyah, notably impressed by Sr Lee's enthusiasm, thoughtfully addressed her questions throughout the programme. 

Teaching session and passing the token of appreciation to Dr Ruby by the programme manager of Linguistics Made Easy | Credits: ELITS's Media

The programme concluded with the presentation of a token of appreciation to Dr Rabiah Tul Adawiyah, followed by closing remarks from both the speaker and the Master of Ceremony. Participants appeared thoroughly satisfied with the insights shared by Dr Ruby and Dr Nor Elena. 

A group photography session was then held, capturing memorable moments with all attendees and the speakers. As participants exited the venue, they were treated to refreshments, rounding off the program on a positive and engaging note.—TBC 


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