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Sayang Night: A Magic Hug Cures Everything

By Nurdina Haziyah

Edited by Maizatul

GOMBAK, 31 October 2023: IIUM Caring Club and Notorious Playhouse Production successfully wrapped up their Sayang Night theatre, “Dari Pintu Spital.”

A total of 38 members of the Caring Club committee and 62 crew members of Notorious Playhouse Production were involved in this project. The preparation took almost two months, which started in early August 2023 by approaching Notorious Playhouse Production through Instagram for a collaboration.

According to programme manager Nurizzati Syazalina, this programme intends to increase the exposure of orphans and the Caring Club to the IIUM community.

“Sayang Night is one of the sub-programmes under Sayang Mega Project, which consists of two other sub-programmes, Art Day and Treasure Hunt,” she stated. “We used to do various modules to engage with the kids. So we want to try a different approach by doing theatre for them. The audience will get to enjoy the performance other than contributing to the donation.”

As Caring Club focuses on the exposure of orphans, orphans from Raudhatul Al Faeez were invited as audiences on the 30th.

Before the performance began, IIUM Caring Club presented a video of the committee members engaging with orphan kids from their previous programme. Later on, it continued with du’a recitation for the Palestinians, who are facing war at the moment.

The theatre “Dari Pintu Spital” tells a story about a son, Zamri, who has not returned home for eight years, lying to his parents that he was working as a doctor when in reality he was a thug. After his secret was revealed, he got into a medical school by cheating just to prove to his parents and a doctor that he could achieve what they wanted.

Along the way, he created a lot of problems between the teachers and students. However, although his reputation was bad in the medical school, Zamri was loved by his colleagues, patients, and a janitor due to his kindness and his famous “magic hug”.

The wholesome “magic hug” was created between Zamri and his mother, Puan Zaleha. As Zamri grew older, he could not get a magic hug, hence passing it on to the patients in his medical school.

In addition, “Nak Magic Hug Jugak” became the tagline of Sayang Night’s Dari Pintu Spital theatre, which literally translates to “I want a magic hug too”, showing the strong bond between the characters and relating to the name “Sayang Night.”

After two successful nights, the theatre wrapped up with a photography session with the cast and crew members.

“I hope that Caring Club can do this kind of event annually so that people will get to know more about the orphans and a lot more people will be more concerned about them,” Nurizzati voiced out her hope after the programme ended. “Besides, the kids will be able to have fun and grab this rare opportunity to watch performances.”

The Sayang Night by IIUM Caring Club was held two days from 30th until 31st of October.***


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