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Setting Off the Firework of Unity with BENL Eid Celebration

by Izzah Husna

GOMBAK, 21 May 2023: A festive Eid celebration packed with Malaysian dishes, fun activities, and performances was held for English Language and Literature (BENL) students at the Multi-Purpose Hall of Mahallah Hafsa.

The three-hour program starting at 8.00 p.m. was organized by the Secretariat of English Language and Literature (ELITS) with the aim to “unite and treasure the precious moments” within the BENL community.

The celebration began with an opening remark made by Dr. Ainul, one of the lecturers attending the event. She expressed her happiness as she was finally able to interact with her students, as for two semesters she “taught mysterious students” due to the lack of physical interaction. The event provided an opportunity for the students and the lecturers to spend time together.

After the speech, a recitation of du’a completed the opening ceremony, and students were welcomed to enjoy various dishes ranging from Nasi Tomato to Kuih Seri Muka. During the dinner, a performance was given by brother Nazhan Arief, who entertained the audience with his creative and captivating energy.

After the performance, two game sessions of trivia questions based on classic Eid dishes in Malaysia as well as general knowledge of Ramadan were held via Kahoot. Participants were encouraged to play in a group, and the students can be seen actively engaging with the activity.

Nearing the end of the event, gifts in the form of Duit Raya were given to the top 3 winners of the Kahoot games by the President of Elits, Sister Fathin Naufal. As a closing ceremony, a lucky draw session was held, and the winners were given gifts by Dr. Homam, a BENL lecturer and Final Year Project (FYP) Coordinator. Finally, a photography session was held, involving all of the students and lecturers.***


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