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UIAM Alumni Association Calls for Immediate Appointment of New Rector

By Anis Zahirah

Edited by Harith Syafiee

GOMBAK, 10 September 2024: The Alumni Association of the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIAM) has urged Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Minister of Higher Education, YB Senator Dato' Seri Dr. Zambry Abd Kadir, to expedite the appointment of a new Rector for the university. The rector position has remained vacant since 31 August.

Press Release posted on Dr Maszlee on Instagram 

In a press release, the association highlighted the adverse effects of the long-standing vacancy on the institution’s governance. Immediate action is deemed necessary to restore UIAM to its original mission and values, as outlined during its establishment.

The association also raised concerns over UIAM’s declining reputation and performance in the global rankings. They noted a significant drop in the number of international students enrolling at the university, with only 183 international students registered for the most recent academic session. This is a sharp decline compared to over 1,000 international students enrolling annually before 2020.

"UIAM’s performance continues to deteriorate in comparison to the early 90s when Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim served as its president," said Khalek Bin Awang, President of the UIAM Alumni Association.

The Alumni Association emphasised the importance of appointing a rector with integrity, strong academic credentials, and a deep understanding of the institution’s core philosophy. The new rector must work towards reviving the university's original vision.

The Association hopes that a capable leader will soon be appointed to reverse the declining trend and restore UIAM’s prestigious status in the academic world—— TBC.


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